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Déjà Vega (UK)

It is a perpect precess of signing and releasing their first single on Handshake, both parts love manchester and Manchester FC, rock n roll is the best defenition of Déjà Vega.
Press Quotes
“An old fashioned power trio with a devoutly modern outlook.” – (Clash Music UK)
“Déjà Vega have so much passion, aggression and flair that it is not hard to become instantly enthralled by them.” – (Even The Stars)
“there is very little chance that I won’t like it.”
– (Emerging Indie Bands UK)
“Carrying a Queens Of The Stone Age alike aggressive attitude pined in a raw ‘60s, MC5 illuminated groovilicious pop harmony that electrifies the senses inside a dark twisted soul!” – (Sound Injections UK)
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